Address : 412 N PETERS ROAD KNOXVILLE, TN, 37922-2332 UNITED STATES | |||
Status : A | Type : F | Woman Owned : N | Business Type : N |
Business Size : E | Primary Business : N | CAO Code : S0107A | ADP Code : HQ0338 |
Manufacturer: Whirlpool Corporation |
Part No | Item Name | NSN | QTY | RFQ |
WED9550WW | drying tumbler laun | 3510-01-529-5463 | Avl | RFQ |
CEM2793BQ | drying tumbler laun | 3510-01-310-9872 | Avl | RFQ |
CEM2795JQ | drying tumbler laun | 3510-01-310-9872 | Avl | RFQ |
CEM2795FQ | drying tumbler laun | 3510-01-310-9872 | Avl | RFQ |
GEW9250PW | drying tumbler household laundry | 3510-01-412-2116 | Avl | RFQ |
XHP1550VW | storage pedestal la | 3510-01-529-5458 | Avl | RFQ |
LAB2700MQ | storage pedestal la | 3510-01-529-5458 | Avl | RFQ |
What Is CAGE Code 1SH55 and Its Importance? |
CAGE Code 1SH55 is a unique identifier assigned to Whirlpool Corporation, to indicate its status as a supplier to defense agencies and government organizations. CAGE Codes are provided for specific facilities by the DLA, and they are crucial for streamlined communication, procurement processes, and compliance with regulations between the identified company and government agencies, particularly in the defense and federal contracting sectors. |
Where Can the Entity with CAGE Code 1SH55 be Found Geographically? |
The physical address linked to CAGE Code 1SH55 is 412 N PETERS ROAD KNOXVILLE, TN, 37922-2332 UNITED STATES. |
Who Holds CAGE Code 1SH55? |
CAGE Code 1SH55 is held by Whirlpool Corporation, a prominent manufacturer with a strong presence in the defense and aerospace sectors. |
What Part Types Are Associated with CAGE Code 1SH55? |
The items commonly associated with the CAGE Code 1SH55 include Drying Tumbler Laun, Drying Tumbler Household Laundry, Storage Pedestal La, and more. |
What NSNs Are Associated with CAGE Code 1SH55? |
The NSNs associated with CAGE Code 1SH55 (Whirlpool Corporation) include 3510015295463, 3510013109872, 3510014122116, 3510015295458, and several others. |
What Part Numbers are Manufactured by Whirlpool Corporation Under CAGE Code 1SH55? |
Whirlpool Corporation, identified by CAGE Code 1SH55, produces a wide range of high-quality components, including part numbers like WED9550WW, CEM2793BQ, CEM2795JQ, CEM2795FQ, GEW9250PW, and others. |
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